When creating the “TalentPlus” microservices application, there are several processes involved from conception to deployment. To assist you with the procedure, here is a general flowchart.

Idea and Planning:

2 min readAug 14, 2023

Define the purpose of the application (e.g., talent management, recruitment, skills assessment).

Identify the essential characteristics and qualities.

Plan the user interface and experience, which in my case is just a simple demo web app.

Technology Stack Selection:

Select programming languages, frameworks, and tools that are appropriate for microservices architecture (for example, Node.js, Spring Boot, Django, Flask).
Select databases (such as MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL) and messaging systems (such as RabbitMQ and Kafka).
Make a decision on deployment platforms (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes) and monitoring tools (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana) and so on.

Microservices Design:

Divide the program into smaller, self-contained microservices depending on business functions (for example, user administration, skills evaluation, and job postings).
Define explicit limits for the duties of each microservice.
Plan communication mechanisms for microservices (for example, REST APIs and GraphQL).

Database Design:

Create a separate database schema for each microservice.
Based on the requirements of each microservice, select appropriate data storage solutions (relational, NoSQL).

API Design:

Create RESTful or GraphQL APIs for inter-microservice communication.
Endpoints, request/response formats, and authentication/authorization mechanisms must all be specified.


Implement each microservice separately.
Set up version control (e.g., Git) for the codebase of each microservice.
To automate testing and deployment procedures, use Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.


Perform unit, integration, and end-to-end tests on each microservice.
Test the application’s performance and load to ensure it can handle the predicted user traffic.


Docker should be used to containerize each microservice to ensure consistency across environments.
To handle the deployment, scaling, and networking of microservices, use orchestration tools such as Kubernetes.

Monitoring and Logging:

Utilize monitoring tools to keep tabs on the usage, performance, and overall health of each microservice.
Create centralized logging to gather and examine all microservices’ logs.


Implement security safeguards for API endpoints, such as authentication and permission.
Protect sensitive data both in transit and at rest by using encryption.
Update dependencies frequently to fix security flaws.


Create the microservices with horizontal scaling in mind, adding additional instances as necessary to meet growing traffic.
To evenly distribute traffic among instances, use load balancing.


Create detailed documentation for each microservice, including API documentation, deployment instructions, and troubleshooting guides.

Deployment and Maintenance:

Place the microservices in a live environment.
To ensure smooth functioning, use automated scaling and monitoring.
Update and maintain the microservices regularly, fixing errors and adding new functionality as required.

User Feedback and Iteration:

Obtain user opinions and keep track of application usage.
Based on user feedback, iterate on the program, introducing new features and enhancing those already present.

Brief Summary;

Always keep in mind that creating a microservices application like TalentPlus is a challenging endeavor that demands meticulous design, technical know-how, and continual maintenance. It’s crucial to modify these processes to meet your unique requirements and stay current with microservices architectural best practices.




As a DevOps pro, I automate workflows, boost reliability, and foster teamwork. My goal: agile, secure, and efficient software delivery.