Research on OTT

7 min readApr 29, 2023


1. Architecture of the OTT platforms: You need to delve into the architecture of Netflix and Prime Videos to understand how they handle the various components of their platforms. This includes analyzing their content delivery networks (CDNs), their database management systems, and their server-side technologies.

I’ll give you a Netflix and Amazon Prime Video architectural overview.


Netflix is a video streaming service that has over 200 million subscribers globally. The architecture of Netflix is designed to be highly scalable, fault-tolerant, and geographically distributed. It consists of various components such as content ingestion, content management, content distribution, and the user interface.

Content Ingestion:

The content ingestion process involves acquiring content from various sources, such as studios, distributors, and production companies. The content is then encoded, compressed, and stored in the Netflix Content Delivery Network (CDN) for distribution.

Content Management: The content management system at Netflix manages the metadata associated with the content, such as title, description, cast, and genre. It also manages the rights associated with the content and ensures that the content is available to the appropriate audiences based on the licensing agreements.

Content Distribution:

The content distribution system at Netflix consists of a global CDN that delivers content to end-users. The CDN is designed to be highly scalable and fault-tolerant, and it delivers content from the nearest server to the end-user, reducing latency and improving the user experience.

User Interface:

The user interface is the front-end of the Netflix application that allows users to browse and watch content. The user interface is designed to be simple and intuitive, and it recommends content based on the user’s viewing history and preferences.

Amazon Prime Video:

Amazon Prime Video is a video streaming service offered by Amazon. The architecture of Amazon Prime Video is similar to that of Netflix and is designed to be highly scalable, fault-tolerant, and geographically distributed.

Content Ingestion:

The content ingestion process involves acquiring content from various sources, such as studios, distributors, and production companies. The content is then encoded, compressed, and stored in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud for distribution.

Content Management:

The content management system at Amazon Prime Video manages the metadata associated with the content, such as title, description, cast, and genre. It also manages the rights associated with the content and ensures that the content is available to the appropriate audiences based on the licensing agreements.

Content Distribution:

The content distribution system at Amazon Prime Video consists of a global CDN that delivers content to end-users. The CDN is designed to be highly scalable and fault-tolerant, and it delivers content from the nearest server to the end-user, reducing latency and improving the user experience.

User Interface:

The user interface is the front-end of the Amazon Prime Video application that allows users to browse and watch content. The user interface is designed to be simple and intuitive, and it recommends content based on the user’s viewing history and preferences.

Database Management System:

Both Netflix and Amazon Prime Video use a variety of database management systems to manage their data. They use relational databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle, as well as noSQL databases such as Cassandra and Amazon DynamoDB.

Server-side Technologies:

Both Netflix and Amazon Prime Video use a variety of server-side technologies, such as Java, Python, and Node.js. They also use a microservices architecture to build their applications, which allows them to be highly scalable and fault-tolerant.

2. User interface and experience: It is essential to understand the user interface and experience of these platforms, including the navigation, search functionality, and recommendation algorithms. You should also look into the personalization aspect of the platform to see how they offer targeted recommendations to their users.

Any website, smartphone app, or other digital product’s success depends on knowing the user interface and experience. The user interface (UI) is the platform’s visual design, while the user experience (UX) is its entire use.

Users need navigation. The platform should feature an easy-to-use navigation system. Users should simply traverse the platform with consistent navigation.

Search is another important user interface feature. The search bar should be visible and simple. The search results should be accurate and relevant. The platform should offer filters and clear search results.

Many platforms personalize material with recommendation algorithms. These algorithms recommend content based on user behavior, preferences, and platform interactions. User-specific advice is best.

The user interface and experience should make it easy for people to locate what they need and create a positive experience that keeps them coming back to the platform. Personalization and relevant recommendations help users find fresh material.

3. Technology stack and tools used: You need to research the technology stack and tools used by Netflix and Prime Videos, including programming languages, frameworks, and libraries used for front-end and back-end development. You should also look into the database management systems used by these platforms and their scalability.

Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have sophisticated infrastructure. These platforms’ technical stack and tools:


Front-end: Netflix’s UI employs JavaScript, React, and Redux.

Netflix’s backend uses Java and Spring Boot. Some services use Node.js, Kotlin, and Python.

Netflix manages its massive data with NoSQL databases like Cassandra, Dynomite, and Apache Flink.

Scalability: Netflix uses AWS for cloud computing and has a highly scalable architecture. Apache Mesos and Apache Kafka manage its distributed systems.

Prime Video:

Front-end: Amazon Prime Video’s interface uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.

Amazon Prime Video’s backend is mostly Java and Spring. Services use Node.js, Ruby on Rails, and Python.

Database: Amazon Prime Video manages its data with Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

Amazon Prime Video’s AWS infrastructure is very scalable. It manages its distributed systems via Amazon EC2 and S3.

Both platforms leverage Docker, Kubernetes, and Apache Spark for various services. They make tailored recommendations using machine learning algorithms and data analytics.

4. Challenges and solutions: Finally, you need to identify the challenges faced by these platforms and how they have been resolved. This includes understanding how they handle high traffic volumes and scaling their systems.

1.Traffic management:

Both platforms must handle tremendous traffic, especially during peak hours. This slows the platform.

Solution: Both platforms manage large traffic volumes with cloud-based solutions. They use AWS to scale their resources as needed. CDNs increase performance by distributing content closer to users.

2.Scaling systems:

As platforms grow, their systems must scale to meet demand. This is difficult, especially with plenty of data.

Answer: Both platforms scale with distributed systems. Apache Kafka, Mesos, and Kubernetes manage their distributed systems. They also use microservice architecture to divide their services into manageable, scalable components.

3. Machine learning algorithms deliver tailored recommendations on both platforms.

Training these algorithms on large data sets is difficult.

Solution: Both platforms train machine learning models on huge datasets using Apache Spark and Hadoop. Data analytics improve their recommendations by understanding user behavior and preferences.

4.material delivery:

Both platforms must deliver material promptly and reliably, regardless of location.

Solution: CDNs cache material closer to users on both platforms. Adaptive bitrate streaming delivers high-quality video based on internet connection speed.

DevOps engineers at Netflix use a wide range of tools and technologies to support their development and deployment processes. Some of the key tools used by Netflix’s DevOps engineers include:


Jenkins builds, tests, and deploys software.

Netflix mainly uses AWS for its cloud computing infrastructure.

Netflix uses Docker and Kubernetes to scale and deliver applications.

Netflix uses GitHub to host and manage its codebase.

Netflix’s engineering team created Chaos Monkey to intentionally cause system breakdowns to test and improve resilience.

Netflix Conductor automates complex business processes using open-source workflow orchestration.

Netflix uses Grafana for infrastructure and application monitoring.

Netflix manages its cloud infrastructure with the open-source Terraform.

Netflix uses Splunk to search, monitor, and analyze machine-generated large data sets to troubleshoot their systems.


DevOps engineers at Amazon Prime Video use a range of tools and technologies to support their development and deployment processes. Some of the key tools used by Amazon Prime Video’s DevOps engineers include:

Amazon Prime Videos

AWS: Amazon Prime Video places a significant amount of trust in Amazon Web Services for the provision of its cloud infrastructure. This trust extends to Amazon Web Services’ provision of EC2 instances, S3 storage, and other features.

Amazon Prime Video’s application development, testing, and distribution processes are all handled by the fully managed continuous delivery service known as CodePipeline.

CodeDeploy is a deployment automation tool that automates the distribution of software to several different types of compute services.

It is possible for the DevOps engineers working for Amazon Prime Video to define and manage their cloud architecture in a declarative manner thanks to CloudFormation, a tool offered by AWS that is used for infrastructure as code.

Jenkins is a free and open-source automation server that is typically incorporated into Amazon Prime Video’s DevOps toolchain. Jenkins is used for the purposes of generating, testing, and deploying applications.

Amazon Prime Video uses GitHub, a popular web-based Git repository hosting service, to store and manage their codebase. GitHub is a service that is accessible via the internet.

Amazon Prime Video uses Splunk as a tool for monitoring and troubleshooting its various systems. Splunk is a platform that allows for the searching, monitoring, and analysis of machine-generated big data.

Amazon Prime Video’s cloud infrastructure is managed via Terraform, an open-source infrastructure as code tool. Terraform is used by Amazon Prime Video.

Amazon Prime Video uses Kubernetes, a container orchestration system, to manage its containerized applications. Kubernetes was developed by Google.

Amazon Prime Video uses the cloud monitoring tool Datadog in order to keep track of its many apps and infrastructure components.

Thank you.

Emmanuel ibok




As a DevOps pro, I automate workflows, boost reliability, and foster teamwork. My goal: agile, secure, and efficient software delivery.